Creating a Space of Compassion

We all have values or practices that we live by, and bringing these values into our work life is a great way to make our work more meaningful both for ourselves and folks around us.
One of the core values that many of us hold at The Get Down is having compassion. Putting empathetic thought into action is an idea that has roots in religions and cultures all over the world; we seem to collectively understand the importance of human connection and serving others at our core.
The Japanese idea of Omoiyari explains this type of compassion well. Omoiyari is a concept that is usually described as selfless compassion. To practice Omoiyari is to anticipate others' needs and act in intentional ways to serve those needs.
Here at The Get Down, we’re working on bringing this idea to light in various things that we do. The biggest thing is gauging the type of experience that someone may want as they enter the cafe: do they want conversation? would they enjoy engaging in a debate about a conspiracy theory? do they seem down, or maybe in need of a kind compliment? When we really try to see people, we realize how easy it is to gauge where they’re at or what they may need.
Other ways we practice this include picking one-of-a-kind cups to try and match the energy of the customer. We try to have music playing in the cafe that we feel the current customers would enjoy, & pour intention into drinks after we steam them.
These are all very small ways to practice Omoiyari or thoughtful compassion in a work space, and there are many more. This idea is definitely not limited to work settings however. Applying this to daily encounters can help you be much more in touch with the world around you, giving both yourself and others a degree of fulfillment that may otherwise not be attainable.
Some easy examples of Omoiyari in everyday living include leaving an area cleaner than how you arrived at it, being conscious of how you take up space in public spaces, doing something nice for a friend without being asked, or simply adjusting a conversation or thinking about how you will speak to ensure someone feels good afterwards.
Regardless of where you are in the world, having compassion is worth while. Here at The Get Down we’re working to bring this idea more into our daily practices, and we invite you to join us.